Marta Aliide Jakovski / Von Krahli Teater (Estonia)

Marta Aliide Jakovski / Von Krahli Teater (Estonia)


„The Fundamentalist” is a story about love. The characters are Markus, a progressive pastor who has publicly admitted to being a tool of Satan, and Heidi, his former good friend who has been floating through life like a piece of driftwood. One fateful autumn night, Markus and Heidi meet again, engaging in mutual spiritual warfare and a quest for truth. In the process, both are forced to reexamine their beliefs and reasons for believing. What is the truth? Can multiple truths exist at the same time? Is it possible to help another person selflessly? How far should you go with this? What is the extent of one person’s responsibility for another? How does fanaticism work and when does it become dangerous?

Erki Laur – Estonian Theatre Award Best Actor winner for the role of Markus
Liisa Saaremäel – Estonian Theatre Award Best Actress nominee for the role of Heidi


Wed 3.07 19:15 Rakvere Teatri väike maja BUY TICKET (sold out)

Thu 4.07 16:30 Rakvere Teatri väike maja BUY TICKET (sold out)

Duration: 2 h 45 min (interval included)
In Estonian, with English translation

Playwright Juha Jokela; Director Marta Aliide Jakovski; Translated by Kai Aareleid; Set Designer Kristel Zimmer; Lighting Designer Priidu Adlas; Music Designers Henrik Esse, Marta Aliide Jakovski; Cast Liisa Saaremäel, Erki Laur.

A collaboration between EAMT (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) drama department and Von Krahl Theatre, with the support of Estonian Cultural Endowment.